Our CBS Kabbalat Shabbat recording has 53 tracks featuring Tehilim תהילים (Psalms), Tefillot תפילות (Prayers), Zemirot זמירות (Songs) and B’rachot ברכות (Blessings).  Music brings us together in joy and harmony.  Traditional melodies are sung throughout the year, with new melodies introduced to keep it fresh.  

For more information, please contact Lisa Ohlhausen, VP of Religious Practice, religiouspractice@napershalom.org

We hope you enjoy Congregation Beth Shalom’s Kabbalat Shabbat, Songs & Prayers to Celebrate Shabbat, recorded by CBS Cantor Emeritus Hasha Musha Perman.

You can play individual tracks below or download the entire CBS Kabbalat Shabbat Music CD directly.

01 – Shalom Aleichem
02 – Dodi Li
03 – L’chu N’ran’na
04 – Shiru L’Adoshem
05 – Shiru L’Adoshem, Silver
06 – Yis’m’khu HaShamayim
07 – Or Zaru’ah
08 – Rom’m’mu
09 – Miz’mor
10 – Miz’mor Shir
11 – Tov L’ho’dot
12 – Tzadik Katamar
13 – Tzadik Katamar, Levandowski
14 – L’cha Dodi
15 – L’cha Dodi, Taubman
16 – Ahavat Olam
17 – Sh’ma
18 – Mi Chamocha
19 – HaPoreis Sukat Shalom
20 – Hashkiveinu
21 – V’sham’ru
22 – Sefatei Tif’takh
23 – Avot
24 – Shalom Rav
25 – Yi’yu L’Ratzon
26 – Oseh Shalom
27 – Mi Shebeirach
28 – Magen Avot
29 – Aleinu
30 – Adon Olam, 1
31 – Adon Olam, 2
32 – B’yado, Taubman
33 – Yigdal
34 – Shabbat Shalom, 1
35 – Shabbat Shalom, 2
36 – Ma Yafeh Hayom
37 – Kol Dodi
38 – Tzur Mishelo
39 – Ikh Vil Zingn
40 – Sakh’ki Sakh’ki
41 – Eli, Eli
42 – Al Shlosha D’varim
43 – Ba’shanah
44 – Eleh Kham’da Libi
45 – Yerushalayim Shel Zahav
46 – Al Kol Eyleh
47 – Gesher Tzar M’od
48 – HaTikvah
49 – Pit’khu Li
50 – Candle Blessing
51 – Vay’chu’lu HaShamayim
52 – Kiddush
53 – Bir’kat HaMazon