Please join us for the Annual Dinner & Fundraiser on Saturday, November 11th, at the synagogue. 

Registration is Closed, please contact Douglas Reiner for any last minute change of plans.

If you have any questions or need more information about this celebration, please contact Douglas Reiner ( Let’s make this year’s event an unforgettable and charitable night for our temple!

Annual Dinner

  • Select Purchase Option
  • Tickets / Contact Info.
  • Submit Payment

Thank you for reserving a table!

A table can seat 8 individuals. Please enter the names and emails of those attending with you if possible.
If you don’t know this information at the time of submission, you may leave these blank and email the office when you have more information.

We’ll use the names and emails to communicate updates to the event.

Price: $75.00

Please provide your information for the first ticket.

Please provide your contact information for the annual dinner donation.

Please provide the contact information for ticket #2

Price: $75.00

Please provide the contact information for ticket #3

Price: $75.00

Please provide the contact information for ticket #4

Price: $75.00

Please provide the contact information for ticket #5

Price: $75.00

Please provide the contact information for ticket #6

Price: $75.00

Please provide the contact information for ticket #7

Price: $75.00

Please provide the contact information for ticket #8

Price: $75.00

Thank you for registering for the annual dinner!
Please review your payment summary and submit the form with your payment options.
You’ve selected the donation only option.
If you’d like to donate towards the annual dinner without purchasing a ticket, you may do so below.
No payment items has been selected yet